Extracts from "Israel and Palestine - Assault on the Law of Nations" by Julius Stone
The late Professor Julius Stone was recognised as one of the twentieth century's leading authorities on the Law of Nations. Israel and Palestine, which appeared in 1980, presented a detailed analysis of the central principles of international law governing the issues raised by the Arab-Israel conflict. This summary provides a short outline of the main points in the form of extracts from the original work. Also included in this second edition are extracts from the subsequent international documents, and updated commentary.
Israel and Palestine was written by Julius Stone in 1980, and the first edition of this short
summary appeared in 1990. Since then the rights of the parties have been modified by agreement, and the optimism which followed the various agreements has been succeeded by violent conflict. This second edition therefore appears in a climate in which legal assertions are once again a central part of the political discourse, a context which has renewed the relevance of Professor Stone’s clear analysis of the status under international law of the Territories which came into Israel’s possession in 1967.
A new section has been added which deals with the effect on the legal status of the Territories of the Oslo Accords, the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty and the "Roadmap", in the
There is also a further section comprising extracts from the international instruments relating
The writer is grateful for the suggestions of David D. Knoll, author of The Impact of Security Concerns upon International Economic Law and Peter J. Wertheim, author of Unlawful Coercion and the Law of Treaties: the case of Syria and Lebanon.
This booklet is, of course, a mere description of the legal position, and it charts no course for the future. However it is hoped that this summary will contribute to a more general understanding of the basic issues.
1. הלווין הענק התפורר באוויר, הלווין שהיה אמור להתרסק בכדור הארץ התפורר באוויר וחלק וחלקיו שקעו באוקיינוס השקט. 2. נשיא תימן עלי עבדאללה סאלח חזר לארצו. 3. חוסיין טנטאוי העיד במשפט מובארק במצרים.